Year 2
Our online education platform is Google Classroom. All pupils are able to access this resource using their school username and password. For more information about how to do this, please see the information on the school website at the link below:
If your child is absent from school for 24 - 48 hours waiting for a test or result and they are well enough to complete school work, please open the 'Tier One' document below for further information.
Please contact the school office when you become aware that your child may have to isolate over a longer period of time. Your child's class teacher will upload tasks onto Google Classroom for them to complete.
Tier One:
My child is absent from school for 24 – 48 hours waiting for a test or result and is well enough to complete school work.
Tier Two*:
My child is isolating for 10 days and is well enough to complete schoolwork.
Their class teacher and the rest of their bubble are working in school.
Tier Three*:
- Your child’s whole class or year group bubble is not permitted to attend school because they or another member of their bubble has tested positive.
- We have entered another lockdown
- The class teacher and pupils are all in isolation at home
* For work to complete during Tier Two and Tier Three, please log on to your child’s Google Classroom account.